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Tagged with: new things

Apr 15, 2024

State of the Mirth Turtle 2024

Although I skipped the annual PowerPoint last year to launch Air Mirth One, the feeling of spring in the air has got me itching to make this year's slide deck. In the beginning of May, I'll be looking back on the last two years and tallying up my successes and crushing failures. Plus, I'll tell you my over-ambitious plans for the coming year. Join me for State of the Mirth Turtle 2024!

Catch up on the 2021 and 2022 videos here, and make sure to follow the Twitch channel to get a notification whenever I go live.

Posted in: Just Business

Feb 26, 2024

Pushing it to the max

Winter is always a bit slow around here, so it's strange to feel any kind of ambition during a cold month. Nevertheless, I've got a big week planned – two releases, five streams, finishing up corporate taxes, and this coming Sunday, an in-person Go tournament. Plus any other work that happens to come in.

The stakes are high – if I can get everything done, I'll prove that frosty temperatures and minimal sunlight are no obstacle to business success. But failure will surely destroy me, potentially in spectacular fashion.

Mirth Turtle logo overlaid with a redlined speedometer

Will I get everything done?

Will I burn out after the first day?

Will I get wrecked by youths at the Go tournament?

Find out during... Mirth Turtle REDLINE.

UPDATE: No, no, and only a little bit.

Posted in: Just Business

Oct 14, 2023

A tortoise pivot

With the Go airline about to cross over into the Asian market and the release of the open source Shimari Extension this summer, it feels like Mirth Turtle is on the cusp of explosive success. But just in case any VCs are hovering, it's pragmatic to have a pivot planned and ready. Luckily, there's an adjacent animal from which to execute such a maneuver: the esteemed tortoise.

This fall, a new branch of the business is taking shape. Focused on live coding, open source software, and supporting shareware authors from days past, Source Tortoise Software is almost here to diversify the animal line-up. Keep an eye on the Twitch channel for the inaugural broadcast, and let me know if you think of any more shelled creatures I can incorporate into the project.

Speaking of incorporation, Mirth Turtle corped up this summer, which means I'm now obligated to multiple classes of shareholders! To prevent me from being removed as CEO in disgrace, please help the company earn profits by investing in a Mirth Turtle membership. The lifetime option is most prestigious, but now there's a monthly option too, if you needed a reason to put a 🐢 into your monthly budget spreadsheet. Because let's be honest – we all need more animals in our financial documents.

May 29, 2021

Fresh new jams

Happy Spring... I've been doing some polishing on a new release: a music jukebox that plays a collection of my favourite Amiga MODs.

Personally, I've found it provides good background music for focused work – plus, you can tune the pitch and tempo to exactly what you need for the task at hand. Give it a try.

Oct 17, 2020

New Go software

If you're a Go player, have I got news for you – I built some training software! Share your games, track your successes and missteps, and see how your training is helping.

And if you don't know how to play Go already, you can also learn from scratch.

Feb 26, 2020

Big things on the horizon

With springtime just around the corner, I've been working hard on upgrading the sites and getting ready for my next big project. SPOILERS: it's Go-related.

If you play Go, you're going to love it, and if you don't play Go yet, maybe it'll convince you to give it a try.

In April, I'll be exhibiting at the Spring Geequinox again, and I'll likely have something to show you by then, as well as a few more suprises.

EDIT: Geequinox is unlikely to happen but the title ended up being pretty accurate.

Dec 31, 2019

Wrapping up the year

Looking back on 2019 and attempting to evaluate my self-worth based on my creative output is a bad idea but I'm doing it anyway. Probably my biggest accomplishment was the company re-brand, but the stock market game was more fun, both to make and play-test. There are still ways you can manipulate the market in order to win, but I wanted to leave that mechanic in the game, for realism.

I also experimented with doing a Go live stream this year and worked out the kinks, some technical, and some with the format itself. 2020 is going to bring a different flavour of stream as well as more Go content and tools, but this was a solid start.

That was pretty much it for this year – not my most prolific, but now I've got some bigger projects in the works, and I'm carving off more time for creating. Please help by purchasing a Lifetime Membership.

Posted in: Just Business

Feb 24, 2018

New stuff in the works

Didn't do a ton over the winter, although I did spend January bringing a dormant project nearly to completion. In the next month or so, I should be putting out a new free game in the same style as Diamond Find.

I also figured out what my major project will be for this year, and it's a departure from my usual. It's still going to be a comedy, but it'll draw more upon real technical knowledge than my regular cyber-fantasies. More updates later.

In other news, I'll be selling books at the Spring Geequinox again this year, April 14-15th. Come down to the Halifax Forum and take a look at Volume 2 of Snapack, just released this fall.

I'll also have a new version of wolfOS, my proprietary convention-table operating system. If you didn't see its debut at Hal-Con, it granted coupon codes to whoever could hack into its secure datavault. Maybe this year it'll have a bigger screen? I haven't done up a realistic budget yet.
