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Tagged with: springtime

Apr 15, 2024

State of the Mirth Turtle 2024

Although I skipped the annual PowerPoint last year to launch Air Mirth One, the feeling of spring in the air has got me itching to make this year's slide deck. In the beginning of May, I'll be looking back on the last two years and tallying up my successes and crushing failures. Plus, I'll tell you my over-ambitious plans for the coming year. Join me for State of the Mirth Turtle 2024!

Catch up on the 2021 and 2022 videos here, and make sure to follow the Twitch channel to get a notification whenever I go live.

Posted in: Just Business

May 31, 2023

Mirth Turtle takes flight

Nothing kills the momentum of a technology-based business like a lack of dev time, revenue, marketing, in-person appearances, and hope for the future. But once spring returns, along with the sun, there's sure to be a boost in all areas. To leverage this, Mirth Turtle is launching a new Go airline! Let's just hope I have enough runway.

Something else to blame for killing business momentum is the shifting online landscape. With the slow, sad collapse of Twitter and subsequent failures of various Mastodon servers I migrated to, I was lacking a reliable social network on which to post cat pictures and Go memes. But not one to wait around for some billionaire to hack together the next misinformation machine, I built one of my own where only I can post! Along with consolidating underappreciated bangers from years past, it sends out weekly newsletter-style emails so you'll never miss a post because of a corporate algorithm. Now I have reliable microcommunication and I don't have to deal with randos challenging my correct opinions or posting their own.

In more chilling news – this year has brought the grave uncertainty of AI. Now that those electric brains are threatening to upend even my backup careers, it feels timely to look back at my 2015 novel Ghostcrime, in which I predicted an eerie amount of this cold robot future (but not, unfortunately, soon enough to stop it from happening). Here at Mirth Turtle HQ, Dawn's working hard on a new edition with more bonus appendix material, an updated cover from Bruce and even a tabletop RPG! Keep an eye out for that... as well as any genius-level logic machines attempting to steal your livelihood.

May 29, 2021

Fresh new jams

Happy Spring... I've been doing some polishing on a new release: a music jukebox that plays a collection of my favourite Amiga MODs.

Personally, I've found it provides good background music for focused work – plus, you can tune the pitch and tempo to exactly what you need for the task at hand. Give it a try.

Apr 2, 2020

Quarantine Update

In many respects, self-employed life and quarantine life don't look very different. I was social distancing for a good month before stringent measures came into effect here, just writing code, blog posts, spreadsheets, etc. In terms of work style, not much has changed for me.

But of course everything has changed.

Will people still want cutting-edge Go software in the world after the pandemic? What about stories about badgers? If I even manage to survive, will any investors be left? I'll need someone to give me truckloads of money.

Stay safe everyone.

Posted in: Freelance Life

Feb 26, 2020

Big things on the horizon

With springtime just around the corner, I've been working hard on upgrading the sites and getting ready for my next big project. SPOILERS: it's Go-related.

If you play Go, you're going to love it, and if you don't play Go yet, maybe it'll convince you to give it a try.

In April, I'll be exhibiting at the Spring Geequinox again, and I'll likely have something to show you by then, as well as a few more suprises.

EDIT: Geequinox is unlikely to happen but the title ended up being pretty accurate.

Apr 2, 2017

A Dream of Spring

I'm sure winter has been hard on all of us here in the Maritimes. Between the biting cold & the hours of darkness, I wouldn't blame anyone for losing the motivation to write.

On that subject, I haven't been doing a ton of that this winter, but nevertheless, I'm going to be selling the books I've previously written at this year's Spring Geequinox. Why don't you drop on by? It's the weekend of April 22nd, and on the Sunday I'll be running a panel on Go.

I am still planning to have Volume 2 of Snapback done for Hal-Con this fall, though. If you haven't read Volume 1, the eBook is only $0.99. Or half-price if you also buy Ghostcrime! A whole dollar is pretty steep, I know.

May 1, 2016

Spring Cleaning

Happy spring, everyone! Geequinox was great, and I was really pleased that a few people stopped when they saw I was selling books. Even moreso that no one said, "I hate books! I hate reading!". That's right, person-at-Hal-Con; I'll never forget you.

Sort-of-chilling jokes aside, I sold a bunch of copies, and the people who bought them seemed like the type who'd enjoy them. Hopefully they're also the type to leave reviews on Goodreads. I've got international markets to enter here.

Since the convention, I've been doing some seasonal cleaning in preparation for the coming months. There'll be a few new releases, including the second edition of Ghostcrime and the long-awaited Snapback serial novel. Better set aside some time in your digital calendar for reading, because, if nothing else, it's a good habit to get into.
