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🏆 amybot-beginner [14k] vs Cstef [14k]
Aug 10, 2021 11:13 PM
(;FF[4] CA[UTF-8] GM[1] DT[2021-08-11] PC[OGS: https://online-go.com/game/36070746] GN[Friendly Match] PB[Cstef] PW[amybot-beginner] BR[14k] WR[13k] TM[1200]OT[30 fischer] RE[W+R] SZ[9] KM[5.5] RU[Chinese] C[amybot-beginner: I'm a beginner bot, playing 30k-20k games. Suggest a handicap in the game request if it's too hard or too easy. Good luck, have fun! amybot-beginner: Thank you for the game! If I did something annoying or glitchy - let me know in this chat, in the site chat or by chatting to my administrator. We'll get it sorted. ] ;B[ee] (;W[dd] (;B[ed] (;W[de] (;B[df] (;W[cf] (;B[dg] (;W[cg] (;B[dc] (;W[cd] (;B[cc] (;W[bc] (;B[eb] (;W[dh] (;B[eh] (;W[ch] (;B[fh] (;W[ef] (;B[eg] (;W[ff] (;B[gf] (;W[fe] (;B[fd] (;W[ge] (;B[hf] (;W[he] (;B[fg] (;W[gc] (;B[fc] (;W[gb] (;B[gd] (;W[hd] (;B[gg] (;W[fb] (;B[ec] (;W[cb] (;B[fa] (;W[ea] (;B[da] (;W[db] (;B[ea] (;W[ga] (;B[ca] (;W[bb] (;B[ba] (;W[aa] ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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