Kind of want to make a linking book for this iPod Touch for the full experience #Myst kind of like
Definitely forgotten how Mechanical Age works. I guess you have to rotate the tower? #Myst
Mild tobacco/drug references? I guess you do find Gehn's instruments for smoking frogs. #myst
They made Myst AND Riven for iOS! #earlybirthday
I miss Channelwood, but none of my Mysts work anymore
Fixed a bug so persistent and crucial that I cried. I'm too close to this.
Even the music is stupid. Well worth the $6. #goatsimulator
THERE'S A WATERSLIDE #goatsimulator
By the way I am installing GOAT SIMULATOR right now; I'll let you know how it is. But you can't really go wrong with animal comedy
The Steam trading cards are ridiculous. Yes, trade me “Barry” from Alan Wake, because he wasn't a forgettable NPC. (current value: $0.12)
“Proud Mary” was always there for me when I left my good city jobs, but I've yet to find these river people who will allegedly give me money
And yeah I know people hate hearing about other people's dreams, but given the choice, I'll take that over a vacation story/slideshow
Most nights I have no trouble lucid dreaming, but other times, it's like, “It's snowing INSIDE? Weird, someone cover up the computers”
Guy across the street is washing his dirty house with an unbelievably loud pressure washer. As if impending #HurricaneArthur cares
48 hours ago I broke my server so hard I had to spin up a new one. Now I'm back! Just gotta make sure I don't do that thing again
When quantum computing is a thing, I will only use Hyperboolean, with regular TRUE & FALSE but also SOOOTRUE and varying degrees of HELLNO
Standing desk has been great for writing/programming/first-person-shooters, but server admin console stuff is 100% armchair work.
Got about 5 minutes into “Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs” before I had to turn it off and put on some Savage Garden
Business schools should take all the “Things They Don't Teach You In Business School” articles and just spend an afternoon on them
I'm not saying that I act like @icecube every day, but last time I was at Tim Hortons I fucked around and got a triple-double
Don't know how a hornet of such size got inside, but it's locked in the same room as my phone and it's something I have to deal with soon
This must be what it's like to have a school system / parents that are perfectly satisfied with producing mediocrity. “Great job this week”
“You got some attention with this tweet.” (6 views) Some! Some attention. Some
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